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Viagra will not save your virility! However, there is a simple and affordable way to help you.

Famous Ugandan urologist introduces this way. He will also answer the question of why old people lose potency.
Betty Acio

Charles Ocan is Ugandan urologist, professor.. The doctor treats impotence even in the most severe cases, including the elderly. Among the professor's patients are famous people of Uganda, as well as men from other African countries turn to him.

Prof. Charles Ocan rarely gives interviews. He deals with intimate matters and does not want too much publicity for his patients. The correspondent of our channel was lucky. The professor agreed to GIVE SOME ADVICE TO MEN WHO DO NOT WANT TO LOSE VIRILITY BEFORE 80 YEARS. PROF. Charles Ocan ARGUES THAT EVERY MAN CAN HAVE STABLE POTENTIAL. THE DOCTOR SAYS THAT IT IS EASY TO ACHIEVE IT.

In our talk, you will find out:

  • Which type of man loses potency earlier than others?
  • How much time does a man have from the first problems with potency to complete impotence?
  • Signs that potency problems are around the corner.
  • When does impotence cause prostate cancer?
  • What methods of restoring potency are considered the most effective today?

Attention! Invirtility is dangerous!

Prof. Charles Ocan:

- Unfortunately, only a few men realize that their lives will never be the same again if they become invirtility.

It's fine if it happens in 80 years. In most cases, however, virility problems start much earlier, at about 40-50 years old.

Here is some data that, I hope, will make you think.

"Rotten" prostate, adenoma, cancer

Everything is simple here. The seminal fluid of a man is produced in the prostate gland. It is assumed that with a certain frequency, it should be emptied, and new semen should be produced. HOWEVER, WHEN A MAN BECOMES AN IMPOTENT, THE SEED FLUID STANDS. It mainly consists of protein. A chicken egg is a good example. What happens to it when it is stored for a long time?

The egg is going bad! The same thing happens with semen. PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS - MICROBES AND BACTERIA BREED IN PROSTATE. LITERALLY, SEED FLUID STARTS TO ROT. Bacterial prostatitis appears. There are irreversible changes in the tissues of the gland. This leads to prostate adenoma, a benign formation (due to the presence of a pathogenic agent, cells begin to divide incorrectly).

What exactly is an adenoma? It's five minutes of oncology.
Tumor of cancer! Prostate cancer cannot be cured. It is not cured of the word at all. The person just dies.

Unfortunately, the prostate gland's tissue is too delicate, therefore all of the aforementioned develops quickly. From the first chimes to the burial, it may only take a few years.

Semen has a lot to do with protein. Consider what would happen if the egg was kept warm for an extended period of time and bacteria began to grow inside.

Aging - 4 times faster!

The aging process of internal organs is accelerated by impotence. What is causing this?
If we view a person as a component of nature, the continuation of the genus is the main job of any individual, as previously said. As a result, everything in our body is set up to allow us to create kids. Nature, on the other hand, does not require a person who has lost the ability to reproduce. It's as obnoxious as it sounds. As a result, the rapid extinction of internal organs begins in our bodies.


When a person does not have sex for a long time, blood vessels become clogged. Through clogged vessels, vitamins and microelements do not enter the organs in the required quantities, and waste products are not excreted. All this leads to an acceleration of aging by 4-5 times.

In addition, during sex, special substances are produced called "sinus markers." The spinal cord reacts to them. These markers, as it were, are confirmation that the organism can still reproduce offspring. When we are not having sex, markers are not formed. For nature, this is a sure sign that there will be no benefit from our actions.

Blood vessels become congested when a person goes without intercourse for an extended period of time. Vitamins and microelements do not reach the organs in sufficient quantities, and waste materials are not expelled due to congested arteries. All of this causes a 4-5-fold increase in the rate of aging.

Not only old age, but also chronic diseases, come to impotent people much faster. In about 5 years of complete impotence, a man acquires a whole heap of health problems!

Pathogens in Prostate Fluid

To live a long, healthy, and happy life, simply have sex as often and as long as possible!

Impotence is the most common cause of divorce in middle and old age.

According to statistics, sex problems touch for approximately 82% of divorces occurring before the age of 40. And this is not surprising. These are natural processes. Nature cannot be fooled, especially in such an area. Sexual opportunities are the key to procreation. AND THIS IS ONE OF THE STRONGEST HUMAN INSTINCTIONS that works at the subconscious level.

People swear to love one other for the rest of their lives when they marry.
When one of the couples demands sex (or, more accurately, wants to be satisfied), and the other spouse is unable to supply it, love is tearing apart at the seams!

Even couples who have loved each other sincerely for 20-30 years break up. UNDERSTAND, IF A WOMAN WANTS SEX, SHE WILL NOT BE ABLE TO SILENCE HER DESIRE.

When a woman does not find sexual happiness, she begins to despise her once passionately beloved partner and "search about" on a subconscious level. She couldn't control it even if she wanted to. As a result, a woman who is dissatisfied with her sex begins to act out on a man, causing scandals. Hatred grows stronger with time, love fades away, and the family disintegrates.

Remember one simple truth. Not only are you suffering, but so is your spouse. Women suffer even more because they need sex. Every time it does not work out, a serious blow is dealt to the female psyche. One day, these blows will destroy even the strongest love. By old age, people become almost family, but even this will not stop them from betrayal and divorce.


Prof. Charles Ocan :

- One more thing to remember: VIAGRA DOES NOT CURE IMPOTENCE! It's simply not meant to be. All Viagra does is enlarge the arteries in the pelvic region abnormally.

As a result, more blood travels to the penis, resulting in a brief erection. That is, as long as sildenafil is present. The major ingredient in Viagra is this poisonous chemical.

Cons of viagra


If you frequently have headaches, you can ease the pain by taking painkillers three times a day.
You can feel fully healthy till a certain point. Until your painkillers stop working or you have a stroke, that is. In a same way, Viagra works. You can only mask the problem for a short time while the reproductive system is destroyed. The problem of erectile dysfunction is only becoming worse.


Almost all medications have side effects, especially ones that were developed more than 30 years ago. VIAGRA HAS A LOT OF THESE SIDE EFFECTS. Viagra is more hazardous to the body than, say, heroin, which is a well-known narcotic. Of course, this is based on the potential for harm from a single use. You can read the drug's instructions for yourself. It's big, and the majority of it is taken up with descriptions of bad bodily movements.

I won't list them all, but I will highlight the most important. Viagra damages blood arteries by causing an unnatural increase in blood flow. There is a phrase that means "stretched garments." Right? What do you think it is?

This is when clothes were often worn, and they no longer sat on a person, but hung. Roughly the same thing happens with blood vessels throughout the body. They lose their ability to constrict. Pressure in the vessels is controlled through "constrictions-expansion". And what if this does not happen? A person develops hypertension, also varicose veins! Not only in the legs, but also in the varicose veins of the internal organs.

What occurs to our body's "motor"? The heart muscle gets weak and badly propels blood when this happens. This is due to organs being deprived of oxygen and nourishment, as well as the formation of numerous blood clots.

According to researchers at the California Heart and Vascular Institute, each dose of Viagra reduces a person's life span by 1-7 days (depending on their initial health). Only young people can use Viagra with a long stretch; those in their retirement and pre-retirement years are not eligible.

Viagra causes blood vessels to "sag." Viagra and alcohol cannot be combined because to the severe vasodilation.


One Viagra tablet costs around ten euros. At the same time, it is less than half the price of a euro at cost. The gap is about 100 percent of pharmaceutical companies' earnings.
Sildenafil is a proprietary ingredient. THOSE WHO PRODUCE AND DISTRIBUTE VIAGRA (AND THIS IS APPROPRIATE FOR FAMOUS PHARMAGIGANTS) EARN HUGE PROFITS. And on what are you basing your decision? For the sake of men's health. We wish your health and happiness!

There isn't presently a medicine available to help you manage with the sickness.
It doesn't even pique their attention! They've released something that will aid you with your health and finances for the time being! They are selling genuine poison. You poison them and pay the price, dozens of times over!

I advise everyone to stop taking Viagra and other sildenafil-based medications.
Cialis, Vizarsin, Tadafail, Impaza, Verona, Androgel, and others are among them.

If not sildenafil, then how to treat impotence?

Prof. Charles Ocan :

- A LARGE CIRCLE OF PREPARATIONS THAT EXACTLY TREAT IMPOTENCE EXISTS TODAY. They restore the penis' natural potency rather than temporarily expanding the vessels to fill it with blood. That is, the one that does not require the usage of aphrodisiac medications to manifest.

In Uganda, for example, there is a fantastic medicine called Xenoprost Active UG2. The Institute of Urology and Andrology produces it. The medicine is not widely available (it is not sold in pharmacies), yet it is extremely effective. For the therapy of erectile dysfunction at home, I recommend this to the majority of my patients.

Age-related weakening of potency can be healed with Xenoprost Active UG2, even in individuals who haven't used it for a long time. The only time it will definitely not help is if the potency has been lost due to trauma. Xenoprost Active UG2 will help whether the other causes are psychological or physiological.

I'd like to show you a letter that was submitted to me by a 65-year-old Ugandan retiree from Gulu City. He is married to a woman who is about 25 years his junior!
The man had been sexually impotent for 3–4 years at the time. He learned about our Center through the internet. We were unable to attend, but they requested that we make a recommendation. We typically don't react to such communications, but we made an exception in this occasion. I suggested him try Xenoprost Active UG2. He followed up with a second letter a month later. I'd like to share it to you here as well.

With a steady erection, a 65-year-old senior pleased his youthful wife

David Nandutu, 65 years of age. Gulu retiree from Uganda. It came as a nice surprise to him that he could regain his potency at such a respectable age.

" Hello, there. I'd like to offer my heartfelt gratitude for providing you a second chance at youth.

This week, we had sex twice. Furthermore, the potency appeared without any stimulants, but the fact is that it is not without his wife's caresses. The potency came in the morning the day before yesterday. That's when I awoke. This may be anything, I'm not sure. And this is a 65-year-old photograph!

I followed your advice and consumed Xenoprost Active UG2 twice a day for 21 days. I began to see the benefits on the third day. I want a lady, but there was no potency available at the time. She first appeared on day 14 or so. The penis slipped out during the first sex (after 4 years!) and nothing came of it. On the other hand, we were successful with the second. And after that, there were no misfires. Now everything is OK. Sex is infrequent, but we do it.

Advised Xenoprost Active UG2 to another neighbor. He is younger than me - he is in his 50s, but he also has problems in sex. Xenoprost Active UG2 helped him much faster than me.

I told another neighbor about Xenoprost Active UG2. He is younger than me, in his 50s, but he has sex issues as well. Xenoprost Active UG2 worked more faster for him than it did for me.

Thank you again for replying to my request and recommending such a good medicine.
I was ecstatic to discover that it is also reasonably priced. This is critical for retirees who are continually saving.

Best wishes David Nandutu"

Xenoprost Active UG2 affects the body in several ways at once

Prof. Charles Ocan:

Sexual reaction has improved

The appearance of an erection in a man occurs in two stages.
Sexual arousal is the initial phase. The second is the blood filling of the penis' cavernous bodies.
Xenoprost Active UG2 works on both phases at the same time. As a result, the male regains a steady stone erection over time.

Uncompromising sexual arousal

The parts of the spinal cord responsible for sexual desire are activated by Xenoprost Active UG2.
The impulses are then passed on to the hypothalamus, which creates the hormones required for an erection. Xenoprost Active UG2 can also improve the work of sympathetic neurons, causing a spike in hormones, thanks to its high fluoxetic acid content.

The parts of the spinal cord responsible for sexual desire are activated by Xenoprost Active UG2.
The impulses are then passed on to the hypothalamus, which creates the hormones required for an erection. Xenoprost Active UG2 can also improve the work of sympathetic neurons, causing a spike in hormones, thanks to its high fluoxetic acid content.

Strong blood pressure in the penis

The filling of the chambers of the cavernous bodies with blood causes an increase in the volume of the penis and its hardening. Xenoprost Active UG2 promotes the growth of the sciatic-cavernous muscle and unclogs calcium channels, resulting in a stronger erection. When sexual arousal is high, the male gets the strongest erection. Men describe the state of a strong erection like this: "The member is shaking with excitement, it's worth a stake, I want to start intercourse right away."

NO enhances the likelihood of repeated sexual intercourse in young males due to its action on neurotransmitters.


Increased semen volume and quality

The sperm count is nearly tripled after using Xenoprost Active UG2. Semen with a normal composition and healthy sperm is produced (due to the content of about 50 different vitamins and trace elements necessary for men in Xenoprost Active UG2).
Increases male fertility. The semen's color and consistency have improved.

Increasing the duration of intercourse

This is a condition that affects not only retirees, but also children and teenagers.
Specifically, the sexual act's brief length. The firing rate. The dysfunction of neurotransmitters responsible for sexual arousal is the primary cause. Xenoprost Active UG2 restores the "rate of fire" by correcting mediators and normalizing their work. A man can have 7-8 times more sex after a course of Xenoprost Active UG2, without having to regulate every movement.

By the way, I came upon an interview with a French porn star recently. He claims to take a French edicine that is extremely similar in composition to Xenoprost Active UG2 roughly once a year. This, according to the porn actor, improves sex sensation, increases potency, and considerably extends a man's possibilities.

The representative gland is getting better

As previously stated, even short-term impotence causes substantial damage to the prostate gland, rendering men incapacitated with chronic prostatitis. Many people try to treat it, but they usually fail because semen regeneration does not occur. Xenoprost Active UG2 enhances sexual relaxation and prostate emptying, restoring prostate health naturally. Chronic prostatitis is no longer a problem. If a man already has a prostate adenoma, Xenoprost Active UG2 can help him get better results from his treatment (including when recovering from surgery).

How much time does it take to take the medication?

Prof. Charles Ocan:

- Before potency appears, Xenoprost Active UG2 must be taken as a course for 14-28 days. Young people can use Xenoprost Active UG2 to improve erection and increase penis sensitivity (to make sex more delightful), while elderly people can use it to avoid or delay the onset of impotence, as well as to restore stable potency if it already exists.

Before giving up on their sex life, I recommend that all men test Xenoprost Active UG2 in action.
He assists most guys, including those in their 60s, 70s, and 80s. It has a 96 percent efficiency rating. Extremely high.

Xenoprost Active UG2 in short supply!

Prof. Charles Ocan:

- You cannot buy Xenoprost Active UG2 in pharmacies now. Xenoprost Active UG2 is produced in small, limited quantities, and therefore, it simply does not reach pharmacies. Most of them, unfortunately, go abroad, some are bought up by private clinics.

Ordinary individuals have a difficult time finding Xenoprost Active UG2. BUT NOW YOU CAN ORDER THIS PREPARATION FROM OUR CLINIC. We decided to give your readers a little batch of the medicine. Furthermore, we sell it at wholesale pricing with no profit margin. Those who are the first to request Xenoprost Active UG2 will be able to order it.

How to receive Xenoprost Active UG2:

  • Currently reside in Uganda, outside of the Kenya, we do not ship Xenoprost Active UG2.
  • The purchase of Xenoprost Active UG2 is permitted FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY.
  • You must make a request in order to obtain the medication (after that, our manager will call you back to clarify the delivery address).

Attention! We are providing a link to a direct application for the medicine "Xenoprost Active UG2" from the Institute of Urology and Andrology as a special gift to our readers!

Fill out the unique form to order Xenoprost Active UG2. Your application will be sent to the clinic's consultants automatically. After you submit the application, they will contact you within 5 minutes.

The urology clinic has one medicine left at the moment:

44 packs

Before the remainder will be distributed to everyone incl.!

Click the "Spin" button to get Xenoprost Active UG2. You will be able to order Xenoprost Active UG2 depending on the discount you receive. The drum can only be spun once.


Enjoy a 50% discount on Xenoprost Active UG2!


The Xenoprost Active UG2 has been booked for you. You have 10 minutes to leave a request.

Special price for you - 169000 USh

Your personal discount - 50%! 338000 USh 169000 USh

Please fill in your name and phone number to receive.
Time left:

03 : 00

*(if you do not have time to fill out the form before the specified time, your reservation will be transferred to another patient, as there is very little drug).


Peter Ssemwanga
I used the medication. This is something that only guys can do. There was before insufficient sex strength; I am everything, but my wife wants more and more; she does not talk, but her actions speak for herself. He was afraid of what he would think of other people. Everything has changed since then! I have a strong orgasm, but she is unable to walk.)
Alice Nyadoi
It was a gift for my spouse, therefore I ordered it. I'm at a loss for words! Thank you for the information!)) My husband is like a tractor; it's been ten years since I've seen him so busy.
Now the bed brings us together))
Emmanuel Candiru
This medicine was recommended to me by a friend. He lavished adulation on him. He is 59 years old and previously stated that he had completely ceased getting up; now, after using Xenoprost Active UG2, he frequently stands.
Isaac Mwebaze
Thank you for the details! It's critical right now. After that, I did a lot of research on Viagra. Sildenafil citrate is the key ingredient in Viagra. When this molecule enters the human body, it triggers a chain of events that cause the veins in the genitals to widen, resulting in increased blood flow. Those. In fact, Viagra has no effect on potency or libido, but there are a variety of things that can harm one's health, ranging from liver stress to uncontrolled arterial hypertension (increased pressure and stress on the heart). In general, I was in desperate need of a replacement and it appears that I have found one. Only Xenoprost Active UG2 has been thoroughly studied and found to have no negative effects on the body!
John Bagonza
The medication is fantastic. There is prior experience. The potency became stone after taking a course, and there were no misfires. The mistress and wife are content.
Himself started to crave more sex. And I regained my youth. Everyone should try it.
Richard Kasibante
It was also enjoyable for me. I am a 67-year-old woman. There was hardly no potency in recent years. She only showed up on rare occasions. I tried everything I could to get her back. I tried traditional recipes, took medicines, and saw a urologist several times.
This medicine was the only thing that helped. Sex is now only once a week. Furthermore, because testosterone is more beneficial to the male body, it has better health.
Julius Ssemanda
I also used Xenoprost Active UG2. The device is functional. 6 days later, he arrived. I ordered it at first because I was curious if it was truly able to strengthen an erection and, more importantly, extend the sexual intercourse. After work, I came home and studied the directions thoroughly before writing down what can be coupled with alcohol. She drank wine, I drank a little cognac, the act lasted a little under 2 hours, they watched all the movies, at the expense of recovery, then in various ways, on average a minute.
James Kabonesa
I concur with all of you! The most effective treatment for impotence caused by age. Tested on myself and friends.
Joyce Aluma
Thank you very much for sharing this knowledge with me. The medicine is also available at this price. The spouse has been without potency for over a year and is really irritated about it. The desire to live has completely vanished. I sincerely hope they will return. I ordered it today, and they stated it will arrive in two days.
Robert Kyakuwa
Also, please congratulate me on becoming the proud owner of Xenoprost Active UG2! :) After all, there are a lot of family holidays coming up, and I'm sick of swearing at my wife.
Agnes Okot
Cheuk, You've taken four, yet for someone, even one isn't enough....
William Birungi
Thank you for a fascinating article. I'm absolutely going to order it!
Patrick Kule
Xenoprost Active UG2 has been advertised on television. I'm not sure what you mean; you have to send money right away, and where do you have to pay?
Maria Kansiime
Jason, The whole premise is that you don't have to pay anything in advance. You don't pay until you have the package in person. By the way, nothing on the label says it's for potency; everything is anonymous and made for humans.
George Apili
In the country, a neighbor, 65 years old. Has a strong desire for sex.
He also informed me about this medication. I don't need it right now, but I made a mental note of it.
Ronald Natuhwera
I'm 61 years old and haven't had any potency in 4 years. I went to the urologist (for another issue), and he recommended that I consume a course of Xenoprost Active UG2 to boost my general health. I had a sexual yearning after the course. It doesn't happen very often, but potency does show up now and then. We have sex on occasion. I'm feeling much better now.
Peter Gumisiriza
Ordered. There were a few packages left, according to a managing operator, and they were immediately dispersed. Whoever wants to, place an order as soon as possible.There is hardly much left.
Agnes Nassiwa
Fuh, I was able to place an order for my husband while there was still time. Thank you sincerely!